This LP-12kW battery-based hybrid inverter is the world’s most powerful 12kW solar power inverter. It enables nearly any solar operating mode imaginable; isolate from the grid, reduce your draw from the grid, or enable you to go entirely off-grid.
- PV array up to 18kW
- Pass through power from grid or generator up to 12kW
- Grid feedback up to 12kW,
- Off-grid power up to 12kW.
- Can pass full 200A when operating on utility power
- Built-in circuit breakers for simple installation
- Remote monitoring app for mobile devices
This inverter can function as a simple grid-tied inverter, ready for future battery addition. Optionally, a battery can be added to enable power during non-solar conditions.
Extraordinarily, even when the utility power fails, the inverter will produce its
full solar power at the entire home breaker panel