SunnyCal Spa and Pool Heaters
SunnyCal Spa and Pool Heater with leg extensions to shelter equipment
SunnyCal manufactures unique ground mounted solar heaters for solar heating of pool and spa water. These solar heating arrays are installed easily with standard hand tools, and can be connected to the standard filter circulation pump. When the pump runs, the water is circulated through the solar collectors and heated by sunlight. These systems are available as fully installed units or as kits for self-install.
Individual solar modules are 48-inches wide, and available in 8, 10 and 12 ft. lengths.
The support stands are constructed for years of trouble free service. The adjustable height legs are made of 14 gauge galvanized steel tube, bent at the ideal angle and height for solar module placement.
Level installation on uneven terrain is made possible by adjustable leg extensions; standard extension length is up to 12-inches.
The support stands are secured against uplift by use of optional ground screws or poured concrete footings.